How to Secure Your App and Boost Downloads with Code Signing

How to Secure Your App and Boost Downloads with Code Signing


In today's digital age, mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. From shopping to entertainment, we rely on apps to accomplish a variety of tasks. However, with the convenience of apps comes the risk of security threats and malware attacks. As an app developer, it is essential to prioritize the security of your app to protect your users and maintain their trust. One way to do this is through code signing.

What code signing is and its importance in securing apps

Code signing is the process of digitally signing software code to verify the authenticity and integrity of the application. This is done by attaching a digital signature to the code that verifies that the code has not been tampered with or modified since it was signed. Code signing is important in securing apps because it provides a way to ensure that the code has not been altered or tampered with by a third party, which can potentially introduce security vulnerabilities or malware.

Code signing also helps users to verify that the app they are downloading is from a trusted source. When an app is a code signed, the digital signature can be verified against a trusted certificate authority (CA) to ensure that the app has not been tampered with and that the developer who signed the code is legitimate. This helps to build trust between the developer and the user and increases confidence in the security and reliability of the app.

Code signing Certificate is particularly important for app marketplaces like the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, where millions of users download apps every day. These marketplaces require developers to code-sign their apps to ensure that they are safe and trustworthy. Additionally, code signing can improve app discovery and visibility by making it easier for users to find and download apps that they can trust.

A brief overview of the benefits of code signing

Code signing provides a range of benefits for app developers and users alike. Here are some of the key benefits:

--> Enhanced security: Code signing helps to prevent unauthorized modifications to the code, protecting the app from tampering, malware, and other security threats.

--> Increased user trust: When an app is code-signed, users can verify that the app comes from a trusted source, increasing their confidence in the app's security and reliability.

--> Time Stamping: Code Signing Time stamping adds a trusted digital signature to the code with a timestamp indicating when the code was signed.

--> Better app discovery and visibility: Code signing can improve the visibility of your app in marketplaces by making it easier for users to find and download apps they can trust.

--> Compliance with app store requirements: Many app marketplaces, such as Apple App Store and Google Play Store, require code signing to ensure that the apps in their stores meet certain security standards.

--> Easier updates: Code signing simplifies the app update process by verifying that the updated code is coming from the same trusted source as the original app.

Code signing is an essential practice for app developers looking to enhance the security and trustworthiness of their apps.

How code signing increases user trust and confidence in your app

Code signing is an essential practice for app developers looking to enhance user trust and confidence in their apps. When an app is code signed, it provides several indications to users that the app is trustworthy and secure. Here are some ways in which code signing can increase user trust and confidence:

--> Verification of app authenticity: When an app is code-signed, users can verify that the app has not been tampered with or modified since it was signed. This verification provides users with confidence that the app they are downloading comes from a legitimate source and has not been altered by a third party.

--> Identification of the app developer: Code signing allows users to identify the app developer, which can help to establish trust and credibility. When a user sees that an app is signed by a reputable developer, they are more likely to trust the app and feel confident in its security.

--> Protection against malware: Code signing helps to protect users from malware by ensuring that the app has not been tampered with or modified to include malicious code. When users know that an app has been code signed, they are more likely to trust the app and feel secure in using it.

--> Compliance with app store requirements: Many app marketplaces, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, require code signing to ensure that the apps in their stores meet certain security standards. When users see that an app has been code signed, they are more likely to trust that the app meets these standards and is safe to use.

How code signing can improve app discovery and visibility

Code signing can improve app discovery and visibility by making it easier for users to find and download apps they can trust. Here are some ways in which code signing can boost your app's visibility:

--> Increased visibility in app stores: Many app marketplaces, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, prioritize apps that are code signed in search results and app rankings. This means that code signing can help to increase your app's visibility and make it easier for users to find.

--> Improved search rankings: Code signing can improve your app's search engine optimization (SEO) by providing an additional factor that search engines use to rank apps. This means that code signing can help your app to appear higher in search rankings and be more visible to users.

--> Enhanced brand recognition: When your app is code signed, it provides users with a visual indicator of your brand, which can help to increase brand recognition and awareness. This can lead to more users searching for and downloading your app, improving its overall visibility.

--> Increased user downloads: When users see that an app is code signed, they are more likely to trust the app and feel confident in downloading it. This increased trust can lead to more user downloads and positive reviews, which can further boost your app's visibility and reputation.

There are many examples of how code signing has boosted downloads for popular apps. Here are a few real-life examples:

--> WhatsApp: In 2016, WhatsApp began code-signing its app on Android, which led to a significant increase in downloads. According to reports, the app's downloads increased by 200% in the six months following the code signing implementation.

--> Adobe Creative Cloud: Adobe Creative Cloud uses code signing to ensure the authenticity and integrity of its apps. The use of code signing has helped to increase user trust and confidence in Adobe's products, leading to increased downloads and customer loyalty.

--> Dropbox: Dropbox uses code signing to protect its desktop app from tampering and to ensure that the app is coming from a trusted source. This has helped to improve user trust and confidence in Dropbox's app, which has led to increased downloads and customer satisfaction.

--> Microsoft Office: Microsoft Office uses code signing to ensure that its apps are secure and to protect them from tampering. This has helped to increase user trust and confidence in Microsoft's products, leading to increased downloads and customer loyalty.

Common mistakes to avoid when code signing your app

Code signing is an important step in app development, but there are several common mistakes that developers should avoid to ensure that their apps are secure and trustworthy. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when code-signing your app:

--> Not using a secure certificate: One of the most common mistakes when code signing is not using a secure certificate. It is important to use a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) to ensure that your app is secure and trusted by users.

--> Not protecting the private key: Another common mistake is not protecting the private key used to sign your app. The private key should be kept secure and protected from unauthorized access to ensure the integrity of your app.

--> Not verifying the certificate chain: It is important to verify the certificate chain of your certificate to ensure that it is issued by a trusted CA and has not been tampered with.

--> Not signing all app components: All components of your app, including third-party libraries and frameworks, should be code signed to ensure that the entire app is secure and trustworthy.

--> Not using consistent signing across app versions: It is important to use consistent signing across app versions to ensure that users can easily identify and trust your app.

--> Not updating the certificate before it expires: Finally, it is important to update your certificate before it expires to ensure that your app continues to be trusted by users.

Code signing is a critical step in app development, and developers should take care to avoid these common mistakes to ensure that their apps are secure, trustworthy, and easy to use.

Is EV Code Signing Helps to Boost your Apps Downloads?

Yes, EV Code Signing Certificates can help to boost your app's downloads by increasing user trust and confidence in your app. With EV Code Signing, users can be assured that their app has been verified by a trusted third-party certificate authority and that it has not been tampered with. This added level of security and trust can help to attract more users to your app and increase downloads.

In addition to its security benefits, EV Code Signing can also help to improve your app's reputation and credibility. By demonstrating your commitment to security and trust, you can establish your app as a reliable and trustworthy source for users. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased downloads and revenue.

Furthermore, some platforms like the Microsoft Store require EV Code Signing for certain types of apps, such as those that use the Windows 10 S mode. This means that if you want to distribute your app through the Microsoft Store and target users on Windows 10 S mode, you will need to use EV Code Signing. This can help to increase your app's visibility and reach a wider audience of users.

How to verify code signatures to ensure your app is secure

Verifying code signatures is an important step in ensuring that your app is secure and has not been tampered with. Here are the steps to verify code signatures on various platforms:


--> Right-click the app or file and select "Properties"

--> Go to the "Digital Signatures" tab

--> Select the signature and click "Details"

--> Verify that the certificate is valid and has not expired

--> Verify that the digital signature is valid


--> Right-click the app or file and select "Open"

--> If the app or file is signed, you will see a prompt asking if you want to open it

--> Click "Open" to verify the signature and open the app or file


--> Go to "Settings > General" > Device Management"

--> Select the certificate for the app you want to verify

--> Verify that the certificate is valid and has not expired


--> Download the APK file for the app

--> Install and open the "APK Signature Verification" app from the Google Play Store

--> Select the APK file and verify that the signature is valid


Code signing is an essential step in app development that helps to ensure the security and trustworthiness of your app. By using a secure certificate, protecting your private key, verifying the certificate chain, and signing all app components, you can create an app that users can trust and feel confident using. Code signing not only improves the security of your app but also improves its visibility and discoverability, leading to increased downloads and customer satisfaction. By taking the time to verify code signatures, you can ensure that your app is safe and secure for all users. So, if you're developing an app, don't forget to include code signing in your development process.